Sue is extremely passionate about inspiring and helping people to gain the skills they need to be the best they can be.

Sue Winnall has worked as an Occupational Therapist for over 20 years. She has specialised in the field of Neurology, primarily in the field of stroke and head injuries – working across the spectrum of acute, inpatient rehabilitation, community rehabilitation and outpatient services across Perth and the United Kingdom.

In the UK Sue was a clinical specialist in stroke and a rehabilitation lead for the stroke network in North East London. She chaired the UK College of OT Stroke forum committee and was on the executive committee for the College of Occupational Therapists Specialist Section of Neurological Practice. She was a guest speaker and trainer across the UK for the commissioning of stroke and rehabilitation services during the launch of the stroke strategy.

Sue has worked with and trained hundreds of occupational therapists, who have gone on to utilise the skills and knowledge they have learned from Sue to make a difference to peoples’ lives.  It is this dedication that Sue brings to her clinical work with clients, that means she can effortlessly form connections and harness the potential they have.  It is Sue’s genuine drive to help people live the best lives they can live, and be the best they can be.