Inspire, Educate, Rehabilitate

We focus on giving people the knowledge, tools, skills and confidence to achieve the best outcomes

What We Do

The Neurodirect team work to achieve the best outcomes for people living with neurological conditions in WA. This involves a two-tiered approach – assisting health professionals to improve their skills and knowledge through professional training; and providing direct person-centred rehabilitation to people directly in their homes and our clinic.

We accept self-referral and referrals from all medical and allied health professionals.

We are able to provide both assessment and rehabilitation for private self-funded clients, those with Medicare care plans or covered by health insurance. We are also registered with both ICWA and NDIS. As a registered NDIS Provider we are able to see people who are self-managed, plan managed and agency managed.

We offer our extensive specialised skills to enable people to reach their goals and greatest potential.


What we offer


Courses we offer